With pyrography you may add a couple of extra things to spice up your design. These are completely optional and up to you if you wish to try them. I’m sure that there are more options but this is just to name a few.

Acrylic paint:
With monochromatic tones it is usually difficult to get every shade in the world on wood. Which is nice to add a little bit of paint to express some highlights or add color to objects. When I mean this I don’t mean a crap ton of paint. For my work I like to use a little paint to help emphasize the wood and not to take away from the wood. It is also good for plant details that a burner can’t do, but the blend in with the rest of the piece.
White wash:
This sometimes gives a more rustic look to the background. By making the background a fading white it makes it looked aged and can help focus on the design.
Other stains:
If you want to woods natural color to show but yet need something else besides paint sometimes another stain can help. Like if you want to keep the design light but everything else outside of the design dark you can use another stain to still show the wood but to not interfere with the design.
UV resistant spray:
This is for projects that are going to be exposed to lots of sun. It helps keep the colors from fading from sunlight. This is not water resistant. You will need another barrier to help protect against water.